Claremont Heritage

Monday-Friday 10:00am-3:00pm
Driving Directions:
We are located in the Historic Garner House in Memorial Park.
About Us
Our mission is to advance, preserve and celebrate the historic architectural, natural and cultural resources of our community through collaboration, education and advocacy.
Claremont Heritage maintains an archive of Claremont related artifacts including photographs, ephemera, artwork, objects, maps and plans. We collect, catalog and preserve historic materials to make them available to researchers who visit the Heritage or through our publicly accessed digital library. We work with homeowners, advising on historic preservation, the Mills Act and also with developers and City Planners in an ongoing process to protect our heritage while advancing economic development that will keep our Community progressing into the future.
Claremont Heritage provides educational programs such as film series, symposia and tours that help inform community members about the wonderful resources that we have. We offer a third grade history program available to local schools that fulfills a California State mandated requirement, and collaborate with other community groups as we strive to preserve Claremont's unique sense of place and cultural heritage for future generations to experience. Our goal is to celebrate and honor the past in order to inspire the future, and play an active part a community that will be as amazing tomorrow as it is today.