Foothill Gold Line Update: February 2017 Project Status Memo
Foothill Gold Line Update: February 2017 Project Status Memo

In January, the Foothill Gold Line Construction Authority Board of Directors approved an updated project schedule for the 12.3-mile, six-station Foothill Gold Line light rail extension from Glendora to Montclair. The updated schedule is based on detailed constructability reviews conducted as part of the advanced conceptual engineering phase and a more extensive understanding that the next segment is really two major construction projects in one – first the freight and Metrolink relocation/reconstruction, and then the light rail system construction.
The project will break ground in October 2017 and is anticipated to reach substantial completion in late-2025 to early-2026. The first year will be spent relocating utilities, conducting other pre- construction activities, and hiring a design-build contractor. A contractor is anticipated to be hired in late-2018 for the seven to eight year, design-build project.
Plans are still being developed for the ground-breaking ceremony. As more is known, we will share the details. Below is the updated Glendora to Montclair work plan, approved by the Construction Authority board at their January meeting:
Photo or Graphic
Source: Foothill Gold Line
Lisa Levy Buch, Chief Communication Officer, Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority, “Resources at your Fingertips – Tax Season Refund Myths”, February 14, 2017