YWCA San Gabriel Valley & Inland Communities
MISSION STATEMENTThe mission of the YWCA of San Gabriel Valley is to eliminate racism, empower women, families and communities while promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
The mission of the YWCA of San Gabriel Valley is to eliminate racism, empower women, families and communities while promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
The Rotary Club Of Claremont
Rotary club membership represents a cross-section of the community’s business and professional men and women. The world’s Rotary clubs meet weekly and are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to allRotary club membership represents a cross-section of the community’s business and professional men and women. The world’s Rotary clubs meet weekly and are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all
Shoes That Fit
Shoes That Fit tackles one of the most visible signs of poverty in America. We give children in need brand new athletic shoes to attend school with dignity and joy. This increases their self esteem anShoes That Fit tackles one of the most visible signs of poverty in America. We give children in need brand new athletic shoes to attend school with dignity and joy. This increases their self esteem an
Service Center for Independent Life
Nonprofit organization with the goal of increasing independence among people with disabilities and seniors.Nonprofit organization with the goal of increasing independence among people with disabilities and seniors.
Project Sister Family Services
Providing sexual assault and child abuse crisis intervention and outreach education services to eastern Los Angeles and western San Bernardino CountiesProviding sexual assault and child abuse crisis intervention and outreach education services to eastern Los Angeles and western San Bernardino Counties
Ophelia's Jump Productions
Non-profit professional theatre companyNon-profit professional theatre company
Newcomers Access Center (NAC)
Nonprofit serving refugees and immigrants in the Inland Valley community. NAC welcomes newcomer families and connects them with the services and resources needed to become independent and thrive.Nonprofit serving refugees and immigrants in the Inland Valley community. NAC welcomes newcomer families and connects them with the services and resources needed to become independent and thrive.
Middle Tree
For Benefit Not for Profit
McKinley Children's Center
McKinley Children's Center are leaders in compassionately transforming the lives of youth and families through innovative education, counseling, and social services; Inspiring hope to achieve success.McKinley Children's Center are leaders in compassionately transforming the lives of youth and families through innovative education, counseling, and social services; Inspiring hope to achieve success.
Claremont Police Officers Association
ClaremontPOA) is a non-profit member organization representing the women and men who serve Claremont as sworn police officers with the Claremont Police Department.ClaremontPOA) is a non-profit member organization representing the women and men who serve Claremont as sworn police officers with the Claremont Police Department.
Claremont Masonic Lodge No. 436
A fraternal & charitable organization that seeks to help men improve themselves by connecting them with other men of virtue and giving them opportunities for friendship, personal growth, & service.A fraternal & charitable organization that seeks to help men improve themselves by connecting them with other men of virtue and giving them opportunities for friendship, personal growth, & service.
Claremont Heritage
Claremont Heritage - Keeping Claremont CA History Alive - City’s largest non-profit organization devoted to its preservation of history and historic character.Claremont Heritage - Keeping Claremont CA History Alive - City’s largest non-profit organization devoted to its preservation of history and historic character.
Claremont Educational Foundation
A local nonprofit that raises funds to support art, music and technology for the schools in the Claremont Unified School District.A local nonprofit that raises funds to support art, music and technology for the schools in the Claremont Unified School District.
Claremont Chamber of Commerce
The Claremont Chamber of Commerce provides strong leadership in serving the interest of business, promotes the inter-relationship between business and community.The Claremont Chamber of Commerce provides strong leadership in serving the interest of business, promotes the inter-relationship between business and community.
Children's Foundation of America
A local non-profit that identifies and accesses resources to support foster care, adoption, residential treatment, mental health and community-based programs for youth.A local non-profit that identifies and accesses resources to support foster care, adoption, residential treatment, mental health and community-based programs for youth.
California Botanic Garden
California Botanic Garden, founded in 1927, is the largest botanic garden dedicated to California native plants.California Botanic Garden, founded in 1927, is the largest botanic garden dedicated to California native plants.
Baldy View ROP
The Premier Provider of Career Technical EducationThe Premier Provider of Career Technical Education
Anthesis assists disabled adults in reaching their potential in vocational and socialization skills so that they may achieve their highest level of employment and community integration.Anthesis assists disabled adults in reaching their potential in vocational and socialization skills so that they may achieve their highest level of employment and community integration.
Ability First
We offer enrichment programs & services to help children & adults with developmental disabilities achieve their personal best throughout their lives.We offer enrichment programs & services to help children & adults with developmental disabilities achieve their personal best throughout their lives.