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Claremont Meals on Wheels - One Week Free Meal Offer News Release: 8/19/2024

smiley  Claremont Meals on Wheels - One Week Free Meal Offer*  smiley
Offer to Claremont Residents  In a reach out to the community, Claremont Meals on Wheels (CMOW), a local non-profit has an introductory offer to help “new clients” decide if they would like to receive our meal service on a regular basis. We are offering 1 week of free CMOW meals – (up to 5 days) to adult persons never having received our meal service before, in the hopes they find it beneficial to continue this service for their well-being. We will continue this offer until we reach the maximum client count number of 85. At that point a waiting list will be initiated, and new clients will be taken as openings become available. This offer is for an unspecified amount of time. 
Who do we serve? CMOW serves adults who are (generally 60+), and are either temporarily or permanently disabled, can’t shop for their food to prepare their meals or can’t prepare their own meals who reside in Claremont. 
When do we deliver?  Monday-Friday (1-5 days a week, your choice), between 10:30-NOON.
How much is it? A meal is 4.50 (reg. price), 2.75 (subsidized price, a 39% discount for those that need financial assistance).
What do we serve? A hot entrée, vegetable and starch and a lunch bag with small salad & dressing, milk, bread & spread, dessert or fruit.
Important Dates
August 30th 5 pm – calls coming in after this time will be given this offer
September 9th – first week of delivery for free meals to new clients
Would you like help? Call 909-621-4018
*Clients who are currently receiving or have received meals previously are not eligible for this. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and to rescind this offer at any time.

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