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Getting to Know Your Board: Sam Pedroza

Getting to Know Your Board: Sam Pedroza

My full name is…

Sam Pedroza
Along with being on the Chamber Board, I am currently…
Mayor for the City, an Environmental Planner for the Sanitation Districts, a husband and father.
If I could change professions, I would…
Join the Peace Corp
If I were to tell one person "Thank You" for helping me become the person I am today, it would be…
My mom and dad showed me my values, but Judy Wright and Hilda Solis are two women that set my political outlook.
Most people don’t know…
I love many different styles of music - even County (only the old stuff). I really like that my kids play because  I feel like I influenced them to like good music.
To recharge I…
any vacation by the beach.
The most important lesson I've learned in the last year is…
you can't make everyone happy, but its good to try.
A place I never been, but would like to travel most is…
The characteristic I most admire in others is…
a sense of humor.

The one thing/person I would want with me if I were stranded on a desert island is…
Julie and some Tito's (lots of Tito's)
I became a Board Member because…
to assure that the city is hearing a business perspective.
My favorite part about being a Claremont Chamber Member is…
I like being part of a board that really cares for business and their community.
My advice to young entrepreneurs is…
Become as involved as you can in the community because it always comes back.

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